Peripheral Neuropathy


If you or a loved one are suffering from peripheral neuropathy and live near Garland, TX, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Philip Cook at the Cook Chiropractic Center. Dr. Cook can provide assistance with not only peripheral neuropathy, but other conditions too, including headaches, sports injuries, and more. Ultimately, chiropractic care can provide lasting pain relief and may greatly improve your quality of life. 

A Closer Look at Peripheral Neuropathy

Your brain and spinal cord make up your central nervous system. Your peripheral nervous system, meanwhile, includes the many other nerves found throughout your body. You’ll find nerves in your legs, hands, back, and pretty much everywhere. These nerves allow you to feel and can alert you to things like injuries.

Unfortunately, both the central and peripheral nervous systems can malfunction. This can result in chronic pain, difficulty moving your limbs, numbness, and various other conditions. Chiropractors can work with both your central and peripheral nervous systems to improve their functioning. Get in touch with Dr. Cook at the Cook Chiropractic Center if you’re in need of peripheral neuropathy treatment in Garland, TX.

How Chiropractors Address Peripheral Nerve Issues

Traditionally, chiropractors have been thought of as spine doctors because they work extensively with the spinal cord in your neck and back. However, chiropractors can also address issues with the peripheral nervous system. Further, since chiropractors focus on treating the root causes of aches rather than simply masking pain like medications often do, you may enjoy lasting relief and an improved quality of life. 

Sometimes issues with the central nervous system can be the root cause of issues with your peripheral nervous system. Straightening out the spine and relieving muscle tension in the back can provide relief in your limbs, for example. Sciatica, which is leg pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve at its root in the lower back, can be treated with soft tissue massage and chiropractic adjustments. Spinal decompression can also help improve the functioning of the nervous system throughout the body.

Chiropractors can also ensure that joints and tissues throughout the body are properly aligned. Things like electronic muscle stimulation can help with muscle tension in your limbs and elsewhere, which may help with peripheral nervous issues. Cold laser therapy, acupuncture, and various other treatments can spur your body’s natural healing processes. A chiropractor can also teach you how to perform various therapeutic exercises that may help halt and reverse your conditions. Ultimately, a chiropractor can work with you to create a custom treatment plan for peripheral neuropathy.

Call (972) 864-0999 to reach Dr. Cook at the Cook Chiropractic Center if you need assistance with peripheral neuropathy in Garland, TX. The sooner you start treatment, the quicker you can enjoy relief.

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